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Malaysia Online Business Channel

How the LHDN Scammer Call will be ?

What Will Happen?

You will be contacted by a scammer claiming to be a Tax Officer or LHDN Officer. 

• They will inform you that someone has misused your identity and you have tax arrears. 

• They will then ask for your personal details and Transfer your call to the Police Officer or BNM Officer for investigation. 

• You will be given a link and instructed to provide your internet banking credentials such as your User ID and Password. 

• After providing details, your online banking account is now compromised and the scammers will transfer your money.

Tips on how to protect yourselves

 • Never share your internet banking credentials such As your User ID, Password, and TAC number. 

• If the caller is unknown, hang up the call.

 • Never click on any suspicious link sent by an Unknown person.

 • REMEMBER only to access your internet banking with correct full URL. don't click any shorten link to proceed next step

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