Banking Account Scam Alert Tips
Useful tips to prevent SMS or Application scam:
- Always check the SMS from 66300. ensure you can notice the unusual SMS alert
- Ensure the SMS 66300. ONLY 66300
- Always refer to the bank's official website to get their call center number.
- Always refer to your ATM and Credit card bank contact number.
- Do not refer SMS contact number to call the bank.
- Do not install the application/game from a 3rd party app store or play store.
- Always alert if the app requests permission to access/redirect your SMS inbox
- Always double-check login security phrases match your secret icon/wording
This is a very good example prevent your protecting your phone device and internet bank account safe and secure all the time. I got this from PBB's new letter and many people may overlook and ignore the email from the bank. but you should not skip this and always alert yourself all the time.